Tuesday 15 September 2009

Driving Miss Audrey

Went out with Audrey this morning - I turned up very late for the meeting as the entrance to the Kingdom Hall parking was blocked by an enormous removal van. Anyway, we finally met up - Ken kindly ran us back to my car - and off we went. Across the railway line - and back again - with that worrying turn into traffic! And then into the little close opposite the Kingdom Hall, where its so difficult to get back out as its into traffic on a corner. Anyway, with my asking of Jah for his help, we did it. We got Audrey's magazine round done and visited a couple of my not homes - who were Not Home.

The Captain - finally on the mend - has driven Bea back home so she can pick up more stuff and come back here for a few more days rest and recuperation.

They will be back sometime this evening for a salad tea - and I must now go and stuff the eggs.

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