Sunday 22 August 2010

Battening down the hatches

Col has moved all the plants to the inner wall of the balcony as a big storm is forecast to hit the South Coast tonight.  It has been grey and rainy all day, with a distant flash of lightning.   And when Ronald and I were out on the door to door work yesterday morning we got rather soggy.  And as I am not a well coordinated person at the best of times, having me, plus Bible plus magazines PLUS umbrella turning up on your doorstep must be rather like an episode of Mr.Bean.  I can't say I am looking forward to the Winter but am hoping for a lovely Autumn.
I am very tired and have only been doing the basic housework, and some preaching and studying, and i got to the Meeting this morning. Sat next to Frances and we compared symptoms.
What did Eve think she was doing when she ate that fruit and cut herself - and all of us, her children - off from her Creator, our Source of life?
El Capitano Butterfly is watching a programme about Rwandan gorillas at the moment - too heartrending for me - but it does remind me of what the animal creation has suffered and is suffering because of that terrible decision our first parents made in Eden.
Not for too much longer though!   Paradise will be restored.

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