Sunday 19 September 2010

Maggie is back!

I heard at the meeting this morning that Maggie comes back today - she thought she would be away for 2 weeks but wasn't sure - we sit together at the meetings, so I have missed her.  We will try to plan at least one morning out on the work together this month.  Lovely meeting this morning - a great public talk about who we can trust in a corrupt world - and the Watchtower study was all about the qualities we need to be able to do the Christian preaching work.

The foremost is humility.

The nice thing this afternoon was a Skype chat with Anne from The Cape. She was all muffled up in wool, dressed for the next ice age, as it is very early Spring there.

It was her birthday.   I don't celebrate them, being a Jehovah's Witness, but I am glad she was having a good day.  And i am certainly very glad she got born.  I just wish she lived down the road, as it used to be when we all lived in our Expat town.

And Col was home all day!

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