Saturday 31 August 2013

A Night of Alarms

We had supper with Jackie, which cheered me up no end. She gave us chicken alexander, chocolate mousse, and fizzy wine. Just what the doctor ordered, because I had spent all day trying to find out when my operation date is.  Half the hospital says it is the original date, the other half says it has been postponed for a month AND WILL I STOP BOTHERING THEM.  But how can I find out the new date? I ventured timidly. Apparently I need to contact another hospital altogether AND DON'T I REALISE THAT?!  The Other hospital seemed surprised and puzzled, and will, hopefully, ring me back on Monday, if they are brave enough to ring Hospital No.1 and find out what is going on. I really needed to know by tomorrow as my next injection is due then, and the date of my operation hangs on when I last take it.  It must not be too early, not be too late.

I have lost all confidence now and am on the verge of cancelling the whole thing, and settling for being housebound.  We have a flat with a view and I am a homebody anyway.  Why take the risk?

After all that, and feeling a bit more cheerful after an evening with Jacks, I was just drifting off into a merciful sleep, when BANG! there was a terrible crash right by my head.  "What?!"  I panicked back to consciousness.  "I had to kill that fly" said Captain B, fly swat in hand.

Poor old bluebottle. I think it had settled down for the night. I certainly had.   I began to drift off again.  RING RING RING - Col's call out alarm went off.   He struggled out of bed, and I struggled with some very unChristian thoughts about his volunteer rescue work.  I was vaguely formulating the thought of his needing sandwiches and a flask of tea, when RING RING RING - emergency over, misper (missing person to you civilians) found.  All OK.

I tried to drift back off to sleep. It took a long time.

We have woken up to a sunny morning, but with quite a lot of cloud.  The last day of summer.

How many more summers for us?

Well, I am hoping we will have "unnumbered summers" in the restored earthly Paradise.

We have tea with our new neighbours this afternoon, and more visitors tomorrow.

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