Sunday 17 May 2015

An Almost Nightmare

Last night I dreamt I went to Nabbs again...   could there be the first para of a book in this?    It was a family get together and I went upstairs to go to the loo.  It was dark and gloomy, and I became aware looking down that there was someone - or something? - at the bottom of the stairs.  I called out to him/her/it, but it just stayed there and didn't answer.   I felt cross and realised I would have to go back down to the downstairs cloakroom as now I was scared to go further.

Not quite logical now I think about it.   That would have been real nightmare at one time. As it was, it was just irritating. And probably one of those dreams you have to make sure you never actually get to a loo in your sleep.

Had it turned terrifying I hope I would have remembered to call out to Jehovah for help in my dream. The only other nightmare I have had since I began to study with the JWs ended as soon as I did that. For which I am very grateful.  I was an anxious child, plagued by night fears.   It seems that you pick it up from your parents. And my father's war experiences began very early, and continued.  He was very stoical about it all, as that generation were, but the damage comes down. They think now that the stress of wars etc  can cause damage at the genetic level.

Which is in harmony with Proverbs 14:30, which says:  "A calm heart gives life to the body, But jealousy is rottenness to the bones."

And my granny's second staircase, or the dark at the bottom of it, did frighten me.  I have used it in my as yet unfinished thriller "Disraeli Hall"  which I will now have to rename, since the success of Hilary Mantel and her "Wolf Hall".    Grrrrr.

We went to Fairmile Bottom yesterday - and also to the Wetland Trust.  I saw a lovely little family of moorhens - mum, dad and two tiny chicks.

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