Tuesday 19 May 2015

Bea's Butterfly Bag Goes to Haysbridge

Oak Hook-tip, Watsonalla binaria
It was the Circuit Assembly at Haysbridge on Sunday and, for the first time in two years, I managed to get there, thanks to my shiny Knew Knees, my wonderful chauffeur, Captain Butterfly - and above all to Jehovah, whose organisation arranged it all.
Meadow Long-horn, Adela rufimitrella
We drove through the lovely May countryside into the wilds of Surrey - "Here there Be Dragonnes" warned the Satnav in ominous medieval tones as we crossed the border and wound through the little lanes that lead to our Assembly Hall.

Bea's butterfly bag is perfect for Haysbridge. We have to take a separate bag with our breakfast/lunch and flask in it, and leave it in the dining rooms.   I packed tea (E.Grey), a round of marmite sandwiches, a marmalade cupcake (and a couple of spare to offer round), and some Lidl's fruit gums (which were popular).   All being well, the bag will accompany me to Brighton for the summer Convention.  Thank you Bea!   A lovely present.

Maggie, Jean and I managed to meet up among the crowds. They had saved me a seat.

The Convention theme was perfect.   "Seek Peace and Pursue it" - 1 Peter 3:11

It really brought home to us the words "seek" and "pursue". We must actively seek and promote peace within the family, within the congregation, at work, at school, everywhere.

And one Speaker did remind us that, after Armageddon, when the earth is being transformed into the Paradise it was always meant to be, peace will be the normal state of affairs.  We will have "exquisite delight in the abundance of peace" then. At the moment, in a violent world, we have to seek and it pursue it.
Bramble, Rubus fruticosus
Captain Butterfly spent his day out in the Insect World, and brought some lovely images back - some from the lanes round our assembly hall.   And he got some stained-glass bramble leaves the other day. The world is telling us, and telling us, of its Grand Creator, Jehovah of armies. And we are trying to tell you, as we come to your doors.

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