Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Butterfly Shawl

We spent the afternoon at Clymping beach, watching a coromorant drying its wings in the Autumn sunshine, and trying to find and photograph Stonechats.   The sea was as calm as sea can be, and the sky was tender blue with fluffy white clouds. For most of our lives the Captain and I would have been in our separate workplaces on a weekday afternoon - so this is one of the lovely aspects of retirement, to be together like this.

Jackie is back.  Hurray!   And she bought me a silk butterfly shawl from Spain. It is beautiful and I hope I might persuade The Captain to take a photo.   Maybe I will be flittering around the Hall in it at one of the meetings - dazzling everyone with - well, if not my own beauty, at least the shawl's.

And above all, what about the dazzling skills of the Maker of the butterfly, Jehovah the God of Abraham.

Two of my siblings called on Jackie on Saturday morning and left the October magazines with her. She has promised me she will read them.

Though we are both feeling rather ropy since our flu jabs which is worrying. She wasn't at all her usual self on Saturday and I had a sore throat.  I stayed in yesterday, kept warm, and did some studying and some housework.  I should have been at the field service group with Kathy this morning, but (a) she rang up to cancel, and (b) Col's car is in hospital, so he had to take my car.

A few years ago I would have and could have walked to the Hall.  Alas, I can no longer. And this is the sad aspect of retirement- the collapse of the body.

While he was out, in my car, I made a carrot cake, as I realised the supply of freezer-cake for his packed lunches was getting very low.

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