Saturday 17 September 2016

The Earthworm has Landed

We arrived back home, yesterday, mid-afternoon.  A much much easier journey than the one going. It was a beautiful sunny day all the way, until we hit Bognor, when it rained a bit.

Roger has left our flat in apple-pie order and left food in the fridge and a box of excellent Belgian choccies by my chair.  We will broach them the next time Jackie is round, and eat a chocolate (or two) to Roger.

The Captain's alarm clock went off startling early this morning, as he is off on Detecting Business - helping to man their Stall at a Plough-in.  Perhaps I should say "person" their stall?  I don't want to have my blog closed down by the Thought Police.

So I had to get up early, as he has to help me get dressed.  Anyway, it meant I made an early start - shopping, washing, ironing etc.   Helen from downstairs called in to see if we have problems with our balcony.  Apparently the top flat has had their balcony power washed and she is wondering if the debris from it is what has landed all over her balcony. However, nothing on ours, so presumably not. Its all a bit of a mystery.

Butterfly Mark rang asking if I could help with a name for his Clouded Yellow blog.  We decided on Andrew Marvell's "The Garden" for inspiration - and here are two lovely photos of one of the loveliest of butterflies:

Jackie has invited us to supper.  Hurray!

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