Saturday 5 May 2018

Another Review of "Waiting for Gordo"

Here is an Amazon review of "Waiting for Gordo" from a poet whose first novel is just about to be published - J Dean Knight (thanks):

"Sue Knight brings us vividly into the world of diving on this island paradise. Waiting for Gordo is a darkly comic story with disappearances and difficulties aplenty, but with a witty satirical edge sending up a group of affluent westerners who exploit nature for their own pleasure. Until, of course, a terrible revenge is wreaked! I'm not the biggest magic realism fan, hence my rating, but for any reader there is a lot to enjoy here, not least the powerful climax, and the wonderfully evoked environment. Take it on holiday...but maybe only if you're going skiing..."

click here for Amazon purchase

We were out on the work Thursday morning - managed one and a half hours, which is, sadly, my walking limit these days.   Then we went for a coffee at Waitrose, which gave me a chance to do a bit of shopping.   Captain B's alarm clock went off at 5.30...again... 

This morning Jean and I were out, doing return visits - a lot of people not at home, but we had some good calls.  Very hot and sunny - has Spring finally arrived.  After I had taken Jean home I made lunch and fell asleep.  A phone call from Captain B woke me up - he is out Butterflying with his comrades - Mark and Neil.  So I then managed to stagger about getting the fridge cleaned and making his sandwiches for tomorrow.

We are going to Jackie for supper, and Bea of the North arrives on Tuesday.

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